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Norsk Farmasøytisk Selskap tilbyr hvert annet år et 3 dagers QP-kurs og et QP-oppfriskningskurs (dagskurs) i Oslo i samarbeid med NSF Health Sciences (tidl. David Begg Associates) og Statens legemiddelverk. Se internettsiden til NSF Health Sciences. Kursene ble i stor grad avholdt på engelsk.
De neste kursene planlegges for mai 2026.
Ta gjerne kontakt på post@nfs.no for mer informasjon.
Kursdeltagere på QP-kurset, mai 2018
This interactive course provides an overview of the essential pharmaceutical laws and guidance for all persons working in the pharmaceutical industry. The course will focus mainly on EU and US FDA requirements but will include a half day dedicated to Norwegian requirements.
This course will be of particular interest to personnel in QA or QC roles, and those aspiring to become QPs.
Kursholdere var Lynne Byers og Peter Gough fra NSF Health Sciences, i tillegg til Line Saxegaard fra Statens Legemiddelverk.
Kurset kvalifiserer til FEVU-poeng (Farmasøytisk Etter- og VidereUtdanning).
Kursdeltagere på QP-oppfriskningskurset, mai 2018
For individuals who already have a good understanding of pharmasceutical law and GMP (e.g. existing Qualified persons) a one day update, onrecebt changes to pharmaceutical legislation and guidance covering the following areas:
Pharmaceutical legislation and regulatory authority guidance is continually changing. These changes to legislation and guidelines, and the interpretation of them, can have significant implications for companies. Many changes require detailed planning to implement and failure to do so can result in serious compliance problems.
This is the continuation of a very successful series of one day seminars that are designed to form part of your Continuing Professional Development.
The current interpretation recent and proposed changes to:
EU legislation:
The potential impacts of the UK leaving the EU (Brexit)
ICH: new organization and draft of Q12
US legislation and FDA guidance
Quality Assurance personnel, in particular Qualified Persons, who are already familiar with the basics of pharmaceutical legislation.
Other technical/managerial personnel responsible for the manufacture and testing of APIs and medicinal products.
Kursholdere var Lynne Byers og Peter Gough fra NSF Health Sciences, i tillegg til Line Saxegaard fra Statens Legemiddelverk.
Kurset kvalifiserte til FEVU poeng (Farmasøytisk Etter- og VidereUtdanning).
© 2018 Norsk Farmasøytisk Selskap